Asthma Specialist
Patrick W. Hisel, MD, PA
Family Medicine Practice & Primary Care Physician located in Weatherford, TX
If you have asthma, the onset of an attack with shortness of breath and tightness in your chest can be scary. Patrick W. Hisel, MD, PA, a family medicine physician who is highly trained and experienced in diagnosing and treating patients with asthma, and his team in Mineral Wells and Weatherford, Texas, provide expert asthma care. Call the practice today and schedule an appointment or use the online booking tool for convenience.
Asthma Q & A
What is asthma?
Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the function of breathing. When you suffer an asthma attack, the airways to your lungs become inflamed, which restricts your steady stream of oxygen, making it difficult to breathe.
Asthma often begins in childhood and needs close monitoring for the duration of a person’s life.
Asthma symptoms include:
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Struggling to catch your breath
- Tightness in your chest
Make an appointment with Patrick W. Hisel, MD, PA, for diagnosis and treatment to get your asthma under control.
What causes asthma?
Although the exact cause of asthma isn’t known, it’s believed that environmental and genetic factors play a role.
Asthmatic responses can be caused by:
- Strenuous exercise
- Sinusitis
- Allergies
- Smoking
- Certain medications
- Temperature changes, like cold, dry air
Asthma affects everyone differently. That’s why seeing Dr. Hisel’s team is important to get the right diagnosis and personalized care for your condition.
How is asthma treated?
Before diagnosis and treatment begin, the team offers a consultation to understand your family history and symptoms. Then they perform comprehensive breathing tests to evaluate your asthmatic condition closely. Tests measure the amount of air you can inhale and exhale and how quickly you can produce breaths.
If allergies promote your asthma, the team may also perform allergy tests. Once they test your lung function, analyze your symptoms, and all test results are in, they talk to you about your diagnosis. They then offer a customized treatment recommendation that you understand.
Treatments may include changes to your lifestyle, long-term medications, or an inhaler. Since each patient is different, your plan of action for relief is tailored specifically to your condition.
Is there a cure for asthma?
Although asthma isn’t curable, the symptoms can reduce or subside over time. The team works with you closely to make sure your treatments are effective.
If you experience the following, your asthma may be under control:
- You only need medications twice a week or less
- You’re sleeping through the night without symptoms
- Regular activities don’t cause issues with your breathing
- Asthma attacks have decreased significantly
During your routine visits, the team monitors your condition and medical history with asthma to keep your health in check. The team offers superior care to make sure you’re living your best life.
Call Patrick W. Hisel, MD, PA, or make an appointment online today for asthma treatment.
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